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My First Step in the Flight industry

I have dream to be working in this industry since I was a child. I started to study in Flight service: Cabin management and operations with Seneca college to full-fill my dreams. Now it has lead me and gave me an opportunity to experience what it is like helping and guiding passengers to get where they need to be. I am excited to be working in Pearson Airport and hope to get the best experience.

In this picture was my first shift working with Cathay Pacific. I had a great view of seeing different aircrafts and had more knowledge on knowing some airlines that i not knew before.

Orientation Day

This picture was on orientation day with Cathay Pacific. It was the day that I officially got the placement and was so excited in working with them. I got a lot of new knowledge about how the system works such like how many flights they had in a day, how many classes and membership they had and also i got to know how to apply for a RAIC.

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I got to guide Economy class passengers to print their boarding pass and bag tags. Also, help passengers to put the bag tags on the check in bags and to make sure they are correct.
First day working on the kiosk with full uniform of Cathay Pacific.

My First Day in Sterile Area

This was my first day at the gate.
I got my temporary pass the day before. I was so excited before getting in. I got a whole new experience since it is different than helping passengers checking in. I got to help with document check and help guide passengers to line up for boarding.
This day was the day when Nadia have gotten her temporary pass.
I believe she got it the week after mine. This photo was her first time in to the sterile area.


This was my first experience doing arrivals with Cathay Pacific. I got to help handling misconnecting passengers. And learning how to handle passengers. It was a great experience in waiting for the aircraft to land and seeing the aircraft landing.


This was another experience doing Arrivals. I got to experience how the TCO open the door and know the purpose of a TCO.

Terminal Link

This was the day that I panicked. The Terminal link suddenly stopped and had a problem. I had to go to Terminal 1 for the bus. I did not know how to get there since the terminal link suddenly out of service on both of them. In the end I found out there is a shuttle bus between Terminals.
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Night Shift

This night was the night that I experience my first night shift during my Career placement so far. One of my friend swap with me for a day. I would say it is a different vibe at night. The difference between night and morning shifts are the night shifts are busy just for a period of time because passengers come all at once. For the morning shifts, passengers slowly come.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs


Cathay Pacific Sponsored

Cathay Pacific sponsored the Firefighters from Australia that helped with Canada's wild fire. The Firefighters were going home with our airline. As you can see on the screen in the picture we had put the Canadian Flag on for them for their check in counter.

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Thank you

I had a great experience with Cathay Pacific. I have learn and gain much more knowledge in the industry. 

I'm glad I got to share my experience with you.

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